Thursday, December 27


fancy goin to malaysia during peak hours? and also to avoid woodland causeway jam. There is 2 practical ways. 1 is to use the second link, while the other is simply hop onto a bicycle.

(Pardon for the 'superb' hp cam)
This is wat this uncle did. Not only did he avoided the massive motorbike passage jam, he can cut vehicles' lane. yes! he did cut into our vehicles' lane and proceed on with the passport verification.

Normal guys' toilet

smaller 'size' pls use this incredibly small toilet bowl.
however if u do need to use pls attain a markmanship for hygienic purposes.

anyway thats for the kids.

Ajisen ramen. Its yummy because of the amt of MSG added. Leave u wif no choice but to drink plenty of water.

i love this!

merry christmas!

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