Friday, February 22


Since the release of SAW I, I’ve been a ‘loyal’ fan by watching their movies ‘legally’. Many of my mates were disgusted after watching that show, purely because of the ill fate of the victims. ie, separation of body parts, intestines entangling their body.

And I just finished watching SAW IV this morning. What a way to start my day!
The movie was as usual, brutal yet I find it awesome. Jigsaw is the man behind all the plots. All the tests that he engineered are truly of a high-class sadist works.
You got to pass arguably the toughest test in under the time frame given to you, if not you will die horrifyingly. It tests your mind over your body. Make a decisive decision and dun look back!

Can u withstand the immense pain to pass the test and survive but be terrified and phobic for the rest of your life? Or you’ll rather die looking like a crap and needing many funeral cosmeticians and plastic surgeons.

Motto from Jigsaw ‘Time never waits’.

and this has nothing to do with SAW. haha. just testing out the effects.

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